Despite what we have been taught to believe, not all fats are bad.

Of course, some types of fats are bad for you and therefore should be avoided, but there are other types of fats that aid glowing skin, healthy brain function, energy, and are important for a healthy heart.

The withinUs Team has some facts about fats that just might change your perspective on this misunderstood nutrient.


Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, known as good fats, help reduce cholesterol in your bloodstream, which can also lower the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats provide your body with essential nutrients it needs that it can’t produce on its own, such as omega 3 and omega 6. Omega 3 & 6 are both building blocks of healthy cell membranes and help produce the natural oil barrier on your skin, which is critical for keeping your skin glowing and hydrated.

MCTs (Medium-Chain Triglycerides)

MCT stands for Medium-Chain Triglycerides (1). The most common form can be found sourced from coconut oil. 

MCTs have gained popularity in the health industry due to the vast benefits associated with these triglyceride chains. Some main benefits of MCTs include promoting quick energy for both the body and the brain.

The brain does not store energy and requires a persistent amount, this often comes from blood glucose. When blood sugar is too low, the liver can break down fat to produce Ketones that can easily cross the blood-brain barrier and provide instant energy. MCTS are unique as they have the ability to be used as instant energy for the brain. You can find a reliable source of MCTs in withinUs Matcha Misto + Collagen.  


Foods that contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats include:

• Soybean oil
• Sunflower oil
• Olive oil
• Fatty fish (i.e. salmon, mackerel, trout)
• Nuts
• Seeds
• Avocados


Trans fats and saturated fats are the unhealthy, bad fats that you want to steer clear of. Though trans fats are much worse than saturated fats, saturated fats are also detrimental when consumed in higher quantities.

Both trans fats and saturated fats contribute to high cholesterol levels by reducing good cholesterol in the blood — they are also proven to increase the likelihood of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes, and are linked to many forms of cancer.

Foods that contain trans fats include:

• Fried foods
• Fast food
• Chips
• Doughnuts

Foods that contain saturated fats include:

• Red meat
• Poultry skin
• Dairy products made from whole milk (i.e. cheese, milk, butter)


It is important to remember that a healthy life is the product of a well-balanced diet and exercise. Incorporate ‘good fats’, such as raw nuts, seeds, and avocados, into your diet wherever possible. They are generally easy to find and will promote glowing skin and a healthy heart. In exchange, limit the amount of saturated fats in your diet - red meat especially should be consumed in moderation - while trans fats should be avoided as much as possible.

Remember, what you see on the outside is a reflection of what you put into your body. Eat healthy, be healthy, and get glowing.


What is one of your favorite ways to enjoy healthy fats in your diet? Share in a comment below, we'd love to hear from you! 


withinUs Team

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