This simple 5 ingredient pancake recipe is a game changer, and will surely become one of your go-to's for breakfast. It is quick and delicious, who doesn't love starting their morning off with nutritious pancakes? 

withinUs Plant Protein + TruMarine™ Collagen is a well rounded, multi-source plant-based protein. It provides 25g of clean protein per serving AND a full serving of withinUs TruMarine™ Collagen, as well as iron, and essential amino acids. Our Plant Protein + TruMarine™ Collagen contains no sugar or stevia, and is the perfect addition to you post workout / morning smoothie, homemade protein bars, or baked goods.  

plant protein + collagen


protein pancakes + collagen recipe

Ingredients: ⁣


  1. For a smoother texture put oats, withinUs Plant Protein + TruMarine™ Collagen, and almond flour in food processor or Vitamix, and pulse until smooth.
  2. Mash banana in a medium bowl, add egg and mix until combined.
  3. Fold dry ingredients into banana and egg mixture until you form a batter-like consistency.
  4.  Add butter or oil into a pan on low medium-low, and add batter (we like to use a small ice cream scoop to add the batter to the pan).
  5. Cook on each side until golden brown (approximately 45 seconds per side). Garnish with desired toppings - we love to add on strawberries and coconut whipped cream as a special treat.

plant protein recipe + collagen

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